
Showing posts from June, 2020
Books by Rob J. Quinn
Cover for Reach Past Your Limits Cover of The Birth of Super Crip Cover for Reach Past Your Limits

My Gut Reaction to Crip Camp

Watching Crip Camp was an experience. After more than 48 years of living with a physical disability, I still find it uncomfortable, startling, odd, weird . . . and amazing . . . to actually see people like myself on television. And quite literally, I don’t think I’ve ever seen us depicted as we are in this documentary. I never attended overnight camp. I have a recollection of a counselor letting go of me in a pool during day camp and, for better or worse, I never wanted to go back. So I can’t claim that watching the documentary about a New York summer camp for people with disabilities in the early 1970s brought me back to my days as a camper. I’m sure that Camp Jened would have been nothing like any camp I would have been attending anyway. I say that both with jealousy and admiration. The camp appeared to be run by young adults if not teenagers who I assume offered the necessary assistance to those who needed it, though they seemed almost like fellow campers. And that may have be